
Name: Giorgia Angiuli
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: DJ, producer, live performer, improviser
Current Release: Giorgia Angiuli's KALYA multi-sensor headband / smartphone app is currently in the development and funding phase. Her most recent full-length album is Quantum Love, out on UNITED.

If you enjoyed these thoughts by Giorgia Angiuli, and would like to know more, visit her official homepage. She is also on Instagram, Facebook, and Soundcloud.

For an even deeper dive into her thoughts, we recommend our earlier 15 Questions interview with Giorgia Angiuli.

Music can heal and music can hurt. Do you personally have experiences with either or both of these?

“Music saved my life.” I used to hear this sentence many times, and even though I started to play music when I was 9 years old and I grew up in a family of musicians, I was not aware of the full meaning of this sentence.

Just a few years ago I started to heal my anxiety and panic attacks with sound frequencies and I decided to learn more about their impact so I started to study it myself, initially to heal myself. Then it became a mission because I wanted to share my knowledge with other people around me.

I had some bad experience with sound - I am very sensitive, so when I go to places where the bass frequencies are not correctly calibrated, I struggle a lot and I feel strong nausea in my stomach or have a headache. That’s why I think clubs or festivals should invest, first of all, in the acoustic, thinking about how sound can create side effects.

Where do you personally see the biggest need and potential for music as a tool for healing today?

Music has been considered the oldest form of healing and I truly believe it has all the potential to become the medicine of the future. All the research coming from quantum physics and quantum medicine are showing us how much importance energy and vibrations have in our life. As Tesla wrote:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

I know that it will still take time to make all people aware about this quantum revolution but we are almost there. The human body is a bioelectrical system and up to 65% of the adult human body is water. That’s why every cell within our body is a sound resonator and when we will finally become aware of this information we will start changing our habits, thoughts and beliefs.

Potentially music can heal everything.
We are still in the process of learning how music influences our body and mind. What are some of the most important findings in this area from your point of view?

As I was saying before, step number one is understanding how our body and cells work, we are literally water. Everything in nature is a vibration and everything is in a state of vibration that’s why our body is an orchestra that can be tuned with sound. There are so many books about these topics and modern science. I will mention a few authors and researchers that changed my life: Bruce Lipton, Jeffrey Thompson, Johnathan Goldman, Dr. Amen, Joe Dispenza, Einstein, Tesla and many more.

In his lovely book The Seven Secrets of Sound Healing J. Goldman wrote:

“We’re like an extraordinary orchestra that’s playing and creating the “Suite of the Self.” When we’re in a state of wellness and are performing this wonderful “Suite of the Self,” we call this condition of balance and harmony sound health. When a portion of the body is vibrating out of ease and out of harmony, we call this condition “dis-ease.”

When it comes to the healing properties of music, in which way do you actively try to incorporate them into your music?

I used to compose a lot of music for my sound meditations and I love the formula: Intentions + frequency = healing. When I compose healing music I follow technical rules but setting the intentions also has a great impact on this work. Our words as our beliefs and thoughts are also able to generate energy and in this work every detail makes the difference.

It is also very important to keep our ego silent, meaning less is more. In this kind of music there is no room for showing how talented or virtuous we are. Music is a facilitator and it opens portals that guide us to appreciate the golden silence.

Tell me about one of your works which expresses these healing qualities best so far, please.

As an artist I am more known as a techno melodic producer, even if I studied classical music and I have played many different styles.

I have been working for two years with a team of engineers and researchers on my project KALYA, a multi-sensor headband and smartphone app which enhances physical and mental wellbeing. We’ve just launched a campaign to fund product development. For this, I’ve spent a lot of time producing healing music, making tests with people, experimenting with it myself.

For example, if I have a headache, I used to listen to tracks of mine which were made with 174hz, a well-known frequency to relieve physical pain. I am also working on my new album and I’ll include some healing tracks. You’ll not find works related to this new aspect of my music online yet.

Taking music's potential for healing as a point of departure, what would be suitable new approaches for appreciating music – from concerts to albums and new forms of listening – which could transport these qualities to audiences?

We often used to consider music as a language to escape from ourselves. My dream is changing this vision a little bit: music as language to make us feel present in the moment as much as possible. The consciousness behind the sound could generate contagious and pleasant healing.

We as musicians have a responsibility. That’s why we should set our intentions in a very pure way, honoring this divine language - music.

When it comes to the healing properties of art, many use the word spirituality. What does spirituality mean to you personally and how does it inform your work?

Spirituality for me means being guided by these three words: kindness, love, compassion.

We are the healers or the destroyers and it is up to us to choose the direction. We all struggle and we all have the chance to heal ourselves.

This is a never ending process and art can assist us, becoming our guide.