
Name: LUMI
Nationality: Finnish
Occupation: DJ, producer, vocalist, songwriter
Recent release: LUMI's new Glistening EP is out via Kneaded Pains.
Fashion recommendations: I can’t help it, but I just love Mugler and all of their pieces and cuts so much. They way they accentuate a woman’s body is so flattering, they really know how to bring out the best in every woman that puts their clothes on whether it's bodysuits, sets, or blazers, I usually want anything they put out. I think I have a bit of a bodysuit/catsuit addiction, I can’t help it but it’s just so fun to put on a catsuit it feels so carefree to me. You know it’s gonna be a good night if you have a catsuit on!
Another fashion piece I really love is Dion Lee’s corsets, sets, bodysuits are all to die for. I love the asymmetrical cuts, colors, fabrics, I could wear Dion Lee for the rest of my life and be happy.

If you enjoyed this LUMI interview and would like to stay up to date with her music, visit her on Instagram, twitter, and tiktok.

Fashion and music are often closely related to one's identity. Can you please tell us a bit about your own sense of identity – and how it motivated you to take an artistic path?

I’ve always felt the need to express myself through art in some way or another throughout my life. When I was younger I would draw and sing in my room for hours and as I got older I planned out my outfits for events by picking out specific pieces from different brands all over the world and to me that was an art in itself.

I really feel the need to express myself in creative ways that are my own and I love doing this through what I wear, the lyrics I write, and the music I make. It’s always been an outlet for deeper subconscious emotions that have been easier to express through art than any other way.

In which way do you feel your identity concretely influences your creativity?

My identity is part of my subconscious self, soul, and mind. This is where creativity flows from and it’s the deeper parts of you coming to light when you create something meaningful and true to you.

But on a more superficial level, I embody the character and personality that I am in my music and art it’s kind of one in the same and comes from life experiences and things that I’m feeling in the moment.

I’m sure it will eventually feel like a big long diary of records from chapters of my life.  

Describe your personal style, please, and how your choice of fashion allows you to express it. Which fashion brands or style icons do you personally find inspiring - and why?

My personal style comes from a lot of different influences like that of Korean brands, some street style, and icons like Heron Preston.

I’ve been really gravitating specifically towards brands like Dion Lee, Mugler, Alyx Studios, Ottolinger, Helmut Lang, Heliot Emil, and MISBHV. These brands are just different from ones you would find in your typical store at the mall and I’ve always loved anything that stands out and is different from a young age, pieces that are a little out there and make a statement.

Pushing the boundaries of what’s “normal”, if it were up to me I would never dress in “normal” clothes again.

Fashion can embody ideals that extend far beyond aesthetics, reaching into ecology, politics and social issues. Does this apply to you as well, and if so, in which way?  

For me I only support fashion and brands that are curated and “anything but fast fashion.”

Not to mention, you won’t see me supporting Balenciaga anytime soon or ever again really. It is important for brands to be ethical in the way they operate, having a high standard for the way they treat their employees, where they source their materials from etc. is important to me.

If there’s something sketchy going on with a brand I stay far away from it.

What was the relationship between music and fashion for you like personally? When was the first time that you became aware of the connection between fashion and music?

For me, I’ve always planned my outfits for events and they usually involved music so it’s always been linked for me. Nothing feels better to be listening to good music and have the best outfit on, it’s just so freeing.

What do fashion and design add to your perception of music?

Fashion and design are also major forms of art just like creating a piece of music. When I see cool visuals and artwork it really adds a new dimension to the sound, kind of like my recent release with Octopus.

The visualizer that the label made for it was so cool and psychedelic, it really added a new layer to the music for the listeners and for me I was so stoked about it!

Fashion can project an image, just like music can. As such, it is part of the storytelling process. What kinds of stories are being told, would you say?

Fashion tells a story about who the person wearing the clothing is, it gives them a personality without words, it’s the first thing people see and can make an impact on the story you tell others about yourself.

It is truly the first impression and a lasting memory.

LUMI Interview Image (c) the artist

What can fashion express what music can not?

Fashion expresses a look and a visual that adds to the character and style that a person embodies, something music can’t really do.

Music can allow you to day dream and imagine a visual for a story from what it’s trying to tell you, but never in the same way that fashion can.

It seems obvious that fashion and music are closely linked, but just how that influence works hasn't always been clear. Would you say that music leads fashion? Is it the other way round? Or are they inseparable in some ways?  

Music and fashion are so closely linked and have been influencing each other for so many years. Raves have their own fashion trends and influence what people wear.

I do think music leads fashion more than the other way around. We see this influence at NYFW on the runways also.

Fashion and music can be expressions or celebration of identity, but they can also be an effort to establish new ones or break free from them. How would you describe your own approach in this regard?

For me I always celebrate my identity through fashion and music but since sometimes what you wear and the music you make comes from a deeper part of you it’s also a way to break free from old patterns or create new ones as this is sometimes an ideal image of what you want to become or who you want to be.

Everyone has an alter ego or an identity that they want to step into, don’t be afraid to be that person, using music and fashion to get there is a great way to do it.

Does what you wear change your personality – and thus the music you create or the way you perform?

Yes I feel like I’m stepping into a character and I’m the main act it truly gives my personality new meaning and the way I dress emphasizes that.

How I look and feel can change the performance for sure, it’s an act of entertainment right? I step into the role that the outfit requires of me.

Creativity can reach many different corners of our lives. Do you personally feel as though designing a fashion item or even putting together a great outfit for yourself is inherently different from something like composing a piece of music?

It is different but it’s the same. It’s all art and creative expression.

Are you currently active in the fashion industry? If so, tell me about your experiences, please.

I am currently not active in the fashion industry as much as I would like to be but I do spend a lot of time researching and staying on top of trends.

Starting my own line has always been a dream of mine and maybe it will happen eventually.

Fashion extends to the artwork of releases and promotional photography as well. Could you talk about your approach in this regard and what some considerations were for some of your most recent cover designs and images?

Since Lumi means snow in Finnish, the first photoshoot I creative directed and modeled for for my brand was snow themed.

The imagery was icy, light blue, we had fake snow on set, and white fur ear muffs. I wore a suit from TTSWTRS, the Ukrainian fashion company, they have very cool pieces.

There is a fine line between cultural exchange and appropriation. This true both for music and fashion. What are your thoughts on the limits of copying, using cultural signs and symbols and the cultural/social/gender specificity of art?

I don’t personally do it, I usually stick to my own culture, accentuating and leaning into who I am, where I come from, and my strengths.

There’s no point in trying to be anything you’re not, it’s a waste of time so I don’t feel the need to use other people’s cultures really in my art, not because I don’t appreciate or respect them but I’m from Finland and living in the US, I lean into that.

I wrote a song with a Finnish vocal in it, maybe it will come out soon, lets see!